The liquid crystal screen is based on a liquid crystal material, and since the liquid crystal is between a solid state and a liquid state,
It not only has the optical properties of solid crystals, but also has liquid flow characteristics, so it can be said to be an intermediate phase. To understand the photoelectric effect produced by liquid crystal, it is necessary to explain the physical properties of liquid crystal, including its visco-sity and elasticity and its polarizalility.
From the point of view of fluid mechanics, the viscosity and elasticity of liquid crystals can be said to be a liquid with an alignment property, which should have different effects depending on the direction of the action force. It's like throwing a short stick into a flowing river. The short sticks flowed with the river, and at first it seemed messy. After a while, the long axes of all the short sticks naturally turned into the direction of the river's flow. Consistently, this represents the least viscous flow pattern and is the lowest physical model of flow free energy. In addition, in addition to the viscous reaction of the liquid crystal, the liquid crystal also has an elastic reaction, and they all have a directional effect on the applied force. Therefore, light is incident on the liquid crystal material, and it is inevitably traveled in accordance with the arrangement of the liquid crystal molecules, resulting in a natural deflection image. As for the electronic structure in the liquid crystal molecule, it has a strong electron conjugate movement ability, so when the liquid crystal molecule is subjected to an external electric field, it is easily polarized to generate induced dipolar, which is also a liquid crystal molecule. The source of interaction between forces. The liquid crystal display used in general electronic products is to use the photoelectric effect of the liquid crystal, obtain external light voltage control, refraction characteristics of liquid crystal molecules, and the ability to rotate light to obtain a bright and dark condition (or The comparison of optics and optics), in order to achieve the purpose of imaging.